Today my students presented their mobile book reports. I've never done this before so I was a little hesitant to assign this. They turned out gorgeous. The kids had a great time too. A friend of mine gave me the idea for the book report and she is not sure where she found the idea at so if this was your idea please let me know and I will definitely give you the credit. I just wanted to share the idea though with everyone. The kids were instructed to include around 10 cards.
Card 1: Name, Book Title, Author/Illustrator
Card 2: Setting
Card 3, 4, 5: Characters (Name and picture if possible)
Card 6: Beginning
Card 7: Middle
Card 8: End
Card 9: Book Recommendation
We had a rubric that included 5 points for each card, 15 points for turning it on time, 15 points for creativity, 10 points for the presentation.
Here are some pictures of my students' projects:
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie |
The Cat in the Hat |
Goosebumps |
Chicken Licken |
Love this idea! Definitely going to do this with my third graders :)
Stories from Room 114