
Monday, January 28, 2013

Classroom Freebies: Geometry Lines, Rays, Angles, and Points

I am in the midst of my geometry unit at school and I've been digging through my resources.  I found this one in a file I had from a conference I went to.  It is a great visual for students to make in order to get a visual on the vocabulary for lines, rays, angles, and points.  You will need five strips of paper about the length of a notecard in different colors if  you desire.  The width is entirely up to you but I'd say about an inch is good and a brad fastener. Here are pictures of the project:
Front of the strips
Back of the strips

Demonstrate a ray

a line


Line segment

 Let me know what if you use this idea.  Leave me some comment love! :)

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. Neat idea! This is above my firsties but I will pass it along to the 3rd grade teacher!

  2. Thank you for sharing this great idea! I think I might use it with one of my math intervention groups. Also, glad to meet another member of TBTS. I love it so far! Hope you do too! :)

    Eclectic Educating
