
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Freebie Friday: Christmas Multiplication Freebie

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Everywhere you go!!! Good thing you can't hear me singing. LOL

Anyways, the whole month of December I've been working to instill the concept of multiplication with my kiddos.  I am an absolute firm believer in knowing the concept behind the math before memorizing anything.  So we've done all kinds of work with groups of things and relating it to repeated addition and multiplication notation.  For some of my work, I used Pearson's Investigations Unit 5.  I made this freebie to complement that unit but it can absolutely be used alone.  Also, check out my Teacher's Notebook store while you're there picking up your freebie.  Everything in the store is 30% off and I'm also hosting a GIVEAWAY! Enter for a chance to win the Christmas Descriptive Writing unit.  This freebie can also be found in my TpT store as well.
Click here for your freebie!  These are some of the pages you get with this freebie!!

My students really enjoyed this unit and I think they did a great job with it!  They used some stencils I had in my room for the pictures.

My friend and teaching partner Nicole had a great idea for modeling arrays.  She had the students make trays of cookies.  Here are pictures of her students' work.  Love this idea and will use it next year!!

I love comments!  Please let me know if you use these ideas or if you have an idea that you can add to this post.  I love Blog Followers!  Please follow me if you like what you see!

Freebie Fridays

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday


  1. Super cute! Thanks for posting all of these pictures- I need those visuals. :)
    So glad I found you!

    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

    LWML is hosting a fun linky!

  2. I love the tray of cookies idea. That should motivate students. I found you through the Manic Monday linky party.
    Michelle @ Teach123
