
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thanksgiving Descriptive Writing

I love teaching students to write! It is just so much fun to see them progress.  My favorite type of writing to teach is descriptive.  We are working right now on describing a place in our town.  This was our first descriptive piece after completing our monster descriptive writing activity.  Each month I am going to do something in world of descriptive writing.  This month I am going to have my students describe their favorite Thanksgiving dish.  I want them to use sensory details.  With the monster activity, the focus was mostly on the description of seeing details.  This time I am hoping to hone in on touch, taste, and smell.  I created a Thanksgiving Turkey unit to go with this where students will have the chance to explore some sensory words, make lists of sensory words from their writing, and above all WRITE.  Check it out here and let me know what you think.

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