
Monday, November 26, 2012

Manic Monday: Free Subtraction Situation Christmas Style

First of all, I just want to say how excited I am!  The Teacher in Me has been awarded the Liebster Award not once but twice! Thank you Fabulous Fifth Grade Fun and  Cruz'n In First!! I will definitely post more about that tomorrow!!

I am in the midst of teaching my students subtraction situations.  I decided that I am ready to switch into Christmas mode so I made a subtraction situation freebie complete with example story problems that match each type of situation for subtraction.  I then made a mix of problems so students can work through subtracting.  This is probably more for older students because they have three digits and involve regrouping.

Classroom freebies


  1. Thanks for the subtraction freebie! My kiddos could always use subtraction review! I nominated you for a Liebster Award. Check it out!

  2. That is such a great freebie! I found your blog through the Liebster Awards & I am your newest follower!
